Centre For Research, Innovation And Development (CRID)

Centre For Research, Innovation And Development (CRID)

Dr. Michael Kolade Adu

Director, Centre For Research, Innovation And Development (CRID)

All dealings with the Research Centre pass through the Deputy Director of each School. Each School has a Research Committee headed by the Deputy Director for Research. Research proposals will first be collated by the research group of each School and defended. Therefore presentation to the Centre is done to ensure that only researches that are viable, impact on the community and meet the needs of the present day are presented for sponsorship.

All Enquiry should be forwarded to crid@fedpolyado.edu.ng

CRID’s Mission & Vision

  • The first interest is to promote and facilitate leading-edge research
  • Promotion of interdepartmental and interdisciplinary research activities which will add value to the departments through mounting of departmental/school Seminars
  • Regular communication of Centre’s activities and opportunities for student and staff involvement.
  • Development of Networks between the Centre and researchers in the public and private sectors, locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Collaboration with industries to translate the research findings into tangible products and thereby patent the intellectual property (IP). So many viable research projects currently litter our laboratory stores in the Polytechnic. These are IPs that have been developed but not patented; collaboration with industries through making the necessary contacts will make patenting possible.
    To achieve this, the Research Directorate will develop a bank for projects given to students in each department and, from this, commercially viable ones will be identified.
  • Researches that have local content are encouraged as this will impact positively on the immediate environment.
  • The Centre organises training for staff of the Polytechnic on how to design researches and undertake same.
  • Staff are provided up-to-date information on funding and Grant opportunities world over which will help drive their researches.
  • To ensure research findings are not dumped on the shelf, biannual workshops and conferences are organised. Such conferences are advertised and executed according to international standards which includes early (one year pre-event) advert on the Polytechnic and conference websites. And pop-up alerts are sent using appropriate tools.
  • Efforts are made to transfer knowledge to the society through outreaches e.g, collaborative research, seminars, workshops, lectures, websites, publications, etc, and, where applicable, through technology transfer, contract and commercialisation of IP.
  • The Centre organises Colloquiums where renowned scientists and researchers within and outside the country will be invited to discuss trending topics in Research and Development.
  • Linkages are established with other institution-based Research Centres within and outside the country for idea-sharing and research collaborations.
  • Existing linkages like the AU-IBERS/FPA project is strengthened.
  • Mentorship on Research is introduced whereby young researchers (mentees) will be attached to older ones (Mentors) who will help them have a research focus and thereby deliver ideas conceived. In due course the Mentee is established as an independent researcher.
  • Collaborations with the CEDVS and The Centre for Engineering Innovation in areas of common interest to realise the vision of the Polytechnic and the Rector’s BEST Vision.

In the next five years the Centre would have succeeded in doing the following:

  • Setting up a fully functional laboratory for commercialization of various value-added research products thereby being a revenue-yielding outfit.
  • All researches within and outside Ekiti state undertaken for undergraduate/postgraduate studies are carried out in the Central Research Laboratory for a fee.
  • Registration with Corporate Affairs Commmission (CAC) as a company in order to be able to commercialise the products of the Research Centre.
  • Having several farms for experimental and commercial purposes thereby producing improved seeds and crops that are disease and drought resistant and yet maintaining the crops’ genetic integrity.
  • In five years, it is hoped that the populace of the immediate environment and beyond will feel the impact of the Polytechnic in their everyday lives just like IITA is impacting on Nigeria and other African countries.
  • A strengthened Mentorship programme where Mentees now become Mentors-in-Research.
  • The Centre in 5 years should have metamorphosed into an Institute within the Polytechnic.




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